Hello Manfred,
As per your request, I continue to post the issue with this header.
I downloaded the 11.00.01 installer. When I try to install it, I realized that I already had 11.00.01 version. As per Paul explanation, version info can be extracted from " in the Splash Screen when Embedded Wizard is started or log window".
There, my Emwiz version is just 11.00 what I see. However, for Windows system, in control panel I have seen that my EmWiz Version is 11.00.01. Below is SS of that.
emwiz version Info
As per your guide, I enabled my UART HW module in my own board, then I logged it to file. Here is the log file of app;
log file
Here is the flags status in ewconfig.h file
#define EW_DUMP_HEAP
actually, I could not find any valuable info in log file I saved from console. Are there any other different flags that I have to enable/define?
Why datepicker not loaded to GUI and program crashes?
Thanks a lot