in System Integration by

Hi. I built an STM32H7 custom board and ported EW to it.

It usually works fine, but occasionally an error or hang occurs during the graphics engine initialisation process at power-up.

From the error code, it looks like it's a memory pool issue.

I have about 8MB allocated as a memory pool, which is part of my SDRAM (total 16MB).

The LCD is 1024x600 in size and uses a 16-bit depth.


Could this be caused by a low memory pool usage of 8MB? Or could there be a hardware issue?



 *      SDRAM data memory map
 *      TOTAL            16MB           0x100 0000
 *      =====================================  
 *      =====================================
 *      DISPLAY         1.171875 MB     0xD000 0000
 *      MEMORY POOL     8.15625 MB      0xD012 C000                
 *      USER-DATA-1     1 MB            0xD095 4000 `   
 *      USER-DATA-2     4.5 MB          0xD0A5 4000     
 *      DISPLAY-DOUBLE  1.171875 MB     0xD0ED 4000



Initialize Display...                        [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver...                   [OK]
Initialize Memory Manager...                 [OK]
Initialize Graphics Engine...                EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 323, info1: D095D099, info2: 0
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 323, info1: D095D0E5, info2: 0
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 105
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors

1 Answer

0 votes


according to the error log and the location (during initialization of the Graphics Engine) I do not think that it is somehow related to a low memory pool.

First of all, I would expect some memory issue or timing issue. Haver you tried the SDRAM memory test?

Especially if the issue happens only occasionally it seems to be some hardware issue (except you are accessing the code from several tasks).

 Best regards,


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