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According to our design we have to use Helvetica LT font family (currently HelveticaNeueLT-57-Condensed). Text items on the screen have 14 px height.

We are using EW8.20 and we've run into a problem with EW font rasterizer:

1. If I choose 14 px as the font size I get approx. 8 px height of capital letter on the screen. Why does the rasterizer leaves empty space below and above character itself in the rasterized character placeholder?
This is the example of 14px helvetica font (zoomed to 500%):

2. 14 px height font looks awfully on the screen regardless of the Quality setting. Some char-to-char distances are large, some characters have merged with each other.
For example 14 px Segoe UI font looks much better:

What is more interesting is that making the font italic improves rasterization!:

3. Large fonts have "AlignHorzCenter" alignment issues with narrow symbols - they have more empty space on the left of them:

4. Row-to-row interval can't be configured for multiline text views.

Is there any solution of these problems as they seem to be the main blockers of our project?

Best regards,

1 Answer

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regarding your first question I would refer to the article Height attribute. It describes the relation between the specified font height and the size of the displayed glyphs. In particular, the specified font height includes the ascent and descent area lying at top and bottom of the row. The values for ascent and descent are derived from the information the font dsigner has specified. The values ascent and descent are essential for multiline text to determine the distance between text rows. In other words, when you specify font height = 14, you get a font ideal to displays text with 14 pixel distance between the text rows.

If you want the glyph to have 14 pixel, you have to increase the value of the Height attribute. Since the additional ascent and descent are design details of the individual font, you will need to try out various values until you get the desired glyph height.

Regarding your second question. This problem has two reasons. The first one is the 'kerning'. With kerning the distance between the glyphs is changed dynamically depending on the combination of glyphs. Unfortunatly, Embedded Wizard doesn't support kerning. We plan to add this feature in next versions. The second reason is more font specific. The font SEGOE, for example, is optimized for the Windows font engine. This technique depends on the information how the pixel of the LCD display are composed from the red, green and blue components. Knowing this, the Windows font engine modulates the intensity of the red, green and blue pixel components individually as if these were sub-pixel. This results in a 3-times heigher resolution seen in the horizontal direction. The glyphs appear more smooth. 

Since Embedded Wizard doesn't contain an integrated font engine, the above described tricks are not possible. To display text Embedded Wizard uses pre-rasterized font glyphs. This means, the glyphs are drawn at the design time and stored as small bitmaps. At the runtime, in the target, the bitmaps are simply composed together. This is essential especially for target systems with low CPU performance and less memory. A font engine expects a lot of power.

The unique workarounf is to use other font, which looks better when it is very small. The fonts from the Roboto family are not so bad.

Regarding your third question, the glyphs appear correctly. They are centered. The problem is, the glyph '1' is not symmeric. This is a detail of the glyph itself. The text rasterization has no knowladge about this. Please see the screenshot below.´:


Regarding your fourth question, the distance between two text rows in multi-line text is determined primarily by the used font. Above in the first answer I mentioned the font ascent and descent. These metrics determine the default distance between the rows. Embedded Wizard uses this value per default unless you override this distance by specifying your desired value in the property RowDistance of the Text view. Please read the manual chapter Change the distance between text rows.

I hope it helps you further

Best regards

Paul Banach


Hi Paul.

Thanks a lot for your super quick response!

But I have one comment on your answers:

>>Since Embedded Wizard doesn't contain an integrated font engine, the above described tricks are not possible. To display text Embedded Wizard uses pre-rasterized font glyphs. This means, the glyphs are drawn at the design time and stored as small bitmaps. At the runtime, in the target, the bitmaps are simply composed together. This is essential especially for target systems with low CPU performance and less memory. A font engine expects a lot of power.
>>the glyphs appear correctly. They are centered. The problem is, the glyph '1' is not symmeric. This is a detail of the glyph itself. The text rasterization has no knowladge about this. Please see the screenshot below.´

This is not 100% true. During text output your engine is able to analyse the position of the symbol inside of its placeholder (amount of empty space around the symbol). Based on this information you can center any "not symmetric" symbol easily without too much CPU overhead. 
The same technique could be used when a string of character is printed - for equalizing distances between characters.
I implemented this kind of algorithms in the self made lcd driver many many years ago and I'm quite surprised that it is not present in EW...

But anyway thanks for your answer, now we know the capabilities of EW and will be looking for walkarounds.

Best regards, 

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