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Hi, I'm new on EmbWi, using Evaluation Edition developed on STM32F469 discovery board.

I followed this document to build my project and generate IAR code. I have already compiled IAR project from an opened project.eww file under Template\Project\EWARM\ but running failed on STM32F4 board, I found this post saying "Evaluation Edition" won't work in this situation.

I'd like to know if I want to build EmbWi in IAR, what version should I buy?(Starter or Pro?), and is there any other method to add generated EmbWi files to an exist IAR projects, because I want to use other RTOS(eg. uC/OS) with EmbWi.


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since Embedded Wizard V8.20 we provide additionally a template project for IAR or Keil and every STM32 Build Environment contains also libraries for IAR and Keil.

This means, you can also use the Evaluation Edition of Embedded Wizard in combination with IAR or Keil. Please try first to get started with the provided IAR project before you try to integrate this into your existing IAR project.

Concerning Starter or Professional Edition: This depends mainly on your project and the number of devices you want to produce. Please have a look to the pricing page

Best regards,


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