in System Integration by

Hi there,

in my Build directory i have a myCode.c and myCode.h . myCode.h defines void YourDevice_SayHello();. I changed the Makefile to include the myCode.c file.

Now i added a Button to my GUI that calls a Slot method in Device.mySlot(). All that contains is a call to YourDevice_SayHello();. Of course it is enclosed in !$prototyper and native(){} blocks.

I also added a Inline block with one line: #include "myCode.h"

After building and transferring my project to the target devices (Raspberry Pi) and running make, i get warnings about this:

Compiling ./GeneratedCode/Views.c
Compiling ./GeneratedCode/Application.c
./GeneratedCode/Application.c: In function ‘ApplicationDeviceClass_mySlot’:
./GeneratedCode/Application.c:1037:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘YourDevice_SayHello’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
In file included from ./GeneratedCode/Application.c:1087:0:
./myCode.h: At top level:
./myCode.h:3:6: warning: conflicting types for ‘YourDevice_SayHello’
 void YourDevice_SayHello();
./GeneratedCode/Application.c:1037:5: note: previous implicit declaration of ‘YourDevice_SayHello’ was here
Compiling ./GeneratedCode/Templates.c
Compiling ./GeneratedCode/Flat.c

So how to i properly add my header file so that GUI and also custom code is aware of my function definitions?

All that said - the code itself works. The application compiles and correctly outputs "Hello" each time i press the GUI button, so i am presuming all i have to do is to find out where to add my #include myCode.h



1 Answer

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In the EW application, i moved the Inline block lower than the Device/DeviceClass blocks. This seems to have solved my issue. I presume the Code Generator will then process the Inline statement (defining function) before the Device/DeviceClass (calling function).


Exactly. The order in which the members are numbered in Inspector window does correspond to the order in which the members are converted in code. Please see:

Inline member: Determine the position in the generated code.

Inspector: Reorder members.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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