in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I have a Page A using an Outline to grouping dynamically views. Views depends on live data and instances will be saved in Data::DeviceClass.
I see the views in Page A. When I change to Page B and than return back to Page A I don't see anymore the previous views.

What should I do to make possible to see again the saved views in Page A?

1 Answer

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I suppose, the Data::DeviceClass autoobject is automatically released. When you leave Page A, and there is no other reference to the the Data::DeviceClass bject, the object is considered as not used anymore and will be released during the next garbage collection. Next time, the application tries to access the object again, new instance of the Data::DeviceClass s created.

Please see Lifetime on an autoobject.

Does it solve your problem?

Best regards

Paul Banach

The Data::DeviceClass will be not released.

The problem was: Page A got a new objectID when called again.
I have solved the problem by saving the instance of the Page A in the Data:DeviceClass.
Every time I call the Page A now, I refer to the saved instance and I have always the same objectID.

Best Regards

Giuseppe Mangiameli

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