in GUI Development by

I started working with STM32H7 platform with color format RGB888 and resolution 800x480.

Can I using animation by loading multi-frame (15 frame with 800x480 size in 1 second).

I tried it but occur much jitter.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

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this is not really the good approach. The multi-frame bitmaps are not intended to display full screen contents. In practice, the bitmap will occupy a lot of memory (flash or RAM depending on the configuration in your project). In your concrete case with 15 frames a 800x480 pixel a 4 bytes per pixel = ~23 MB!.

Multi-frame bitmaps are ideal wherever you want to show animated logos or small icons. For large contents (like a video) it is much better to integrate an extern video decoder in your application.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Actually I want to show animated logos which logo is very large contents (full screen effect).

Do you have any hint for integrate an extern video decoder ?

I appreciate for your support
@Paul: can I use external bitmap with jpg decoder in this case ?

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