in System Integration by
Wir nutzen STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.0.1
und möchten ein EBW_Projekt integrieren.
Unser erster Versuch durch Import der von EBW generierten TrueStudio-Version schlägt fehl. In den Projekt-Properties für das C/C++ Build wird die Meldung „Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exists for com.atollic.truestudio.exe.debug.19845251992“ ausgegeben und das Projekt kann nicht kompiliert werden.

Im zweiter Versuch haben wir die  Datei „TrueSTUDIO_ew_post_process_power_shell_script“ entsprechend unseren Pfaden angepasst und ein STM32CubeIDE-Projekt aufgesetzt.
Die Ausführung funktioniert auch soweit, uns fehlen nur die Dateien für GeneratedCode. Uns ist auch nicht klar an welcher Stelle diese Dateien im script eingebunden werden.

1 Answer

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Hi wizardworker,

at first, thank you for downloading Embedded Wizard.

STCubeIDE is the brand new IDE from ST which replaces Atollic TrueSTUDIO. Unfortunately our IDE  project, within the downloadable Build Environment, are only tested for TrueSTUDIO at the moment. During the import of an Embedded Wizard IDE project made for TrueSTUDIO, the new STCubeIDE accidentally changes some include paths. This my effects that the project is not working with STCubeIDE. So sorry for that, we will fix this issue as soon as possible.

All the files in ‘GeneratedCode’ have to be generated with Embedded Wizard Studio. Therefore please just open any example under /Examples with Embedded Wizard Studio and build the UI project by pressing "Build->Build this Profile". Then you will get the C code which contains the UI. Furtheron with the IDE projects (GCC, TrueSTUDIO, Keil etc.) it is able to build the UI. Therefore no additional adapting of the post process script or include paths is necessary.

The post process script is dedicated for the "ColorFormats" and "ScreenOrientation" examples. In case that you are not working with one on these examples, you do not have to use or adapt the post process script at all. Additionally the post process is also dedicated to use it with TrueSTUDIO instead of STCubeIDE and we have to adapt it too.

Sorry for this inconvenience at the moment.

By the way, our getting started articles describes the workflow to build your first UI. 

If you have any further question do not hesitate to ask again.

Kind regards


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