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What is the recommended way to insert customized events into an Embedded Wizard UI application?

1 Answer

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First of all, the prefered way to insert your own events into an Embedded Wizard UI application is the usage of key events. A set of user events are already prepared to map such events: 'User0'...'User19' or the special key events 'F1'...'F10'. By using these key events, you can insert your user event into the application. The big advantage is, that you can use these events during the development on PC, because you can insert them as key events into the Prototyper. In contrast, new event classes or derived event classes have the big disadvantage that they cannot be simulated in the Prototyper, which requires the target development environment for test and debugging.

Nevertheless, if you want to implement your own event class, you need to derive your class from Core::Event or Core::KeyEvent e.g.: Example::UsrEvent. You can create, initialize and dispatch the new event in the same way like the key events. Additional parameters can be passed as arguments to a initialization method e.g.: Initialize(a, b, c,…). In the objects that should react on a customized event type, the code of the HandleEvent() method need to typecast the event e.g.:

var Example::UsrEvent event = ( Example::UsrEvent )aEvent;
if ( event != null )
  // do something...

Note: It is nearly impossible to support you in case of troubles, if your application is not running in the Prototyper.

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