in Getting started by
Hi everyone! I've recently bought that kit and I would like to use the "Paper Cutter" interface developed by Embedded Wizard to display the number of remaining sheets. Honestly, as I am a newcomer in that field, I don't really know how I could do that, particularly how I could connect that interface to my counter program which, by the way, encounters some issues. Is that possible to find a complete tutorial for carrying out this project?

I truly thank you in advance for your help.



1 Answer

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there is no dedicated tutorial for the example 'Paper Cutter' - the example is documented inline and it is just one example out of many others that are provided for the STM32F769 Discovery board.

In order to get familiar with Embedded Wizard Studio and the UI development work-flow, we recommend to study the following documents:

We highly recommend to read the different chapters of our online documentation to understand the basic concepts of Embedded Wizard. This will help you to realize your UI project in the best possible way.

For your target platform you will find the necessary instructions in our document Getting Started with STM32F769 Discovery board.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


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