in GUI Development by
Hi ,


I have two developed two screen First screen and second screen and

Through system event handler simulation timer i am incrementing the counter  , for first count it trigger the first screen and and for second count it trigger the second screen .

1. First screen : it goes to first screen through notify observer implemented in eventHan and first screen updateViewState method  detachobserver  and attached observer the device property get updated on the screen

2. Second screen :I followed the same approach

   a.   but it does not go to second screen ?with notify observer

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Pidea,

from your description it is difficult to deduce your actual implementation and why it is not working as expected. Can you provide a simple example demonstrating the application case?

Best regards

Paul Banach



I have created one sample project based on sample battery charging example project  and  implemented single simulation timer trigger the system event handler 


1. First two count it goes to first screen

2. Third count it does not navigate to  second screen .




the implementation of the method TriggerEvent2() triggers still the first instance of the System Event. Is this intended?

Shouldn't it be SystemEvent2 (with 2 at its end)?

Best regards

Paul Banach


Hi Paul its my mistake ,


I made a correction and but still the output is same , i have resend the project




please note the error message reported when the application is running in Prototyper:

The value param is null:

Best regards

Paul Banach


hi ,


that was the mistake of systemEventHandler2 was not linked .

I crossed check param is receiving the value but still it does not go into the second screen https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=4785939336840213068


Hello Pidea,

so far I see in your project, the SecondApplication component is not used within the application. You will need to create an instance of the component and present it explicitly. For example, FirstApplication is embedded within ApplicationRoot. In this way it 'exists', it is visible and can react to events.

Possibly, you should embed also the SecondApplication within ApplicationRoot? Or you create an instance of SecondApplication dynamically when ApplicationRoot receives some event? Which approach you select, depends on the effect you want to achieve and your expected application structure.

Does it help you further?

Best regards

Paul Banach

hi Paul,


thanks for the solution, probably i have implemented in example project  and it is working

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