in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Within the Log window, the following message appears: "Fatal error: Sorry, no Assistants activation available." How to solve this?

1 Answer

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During the past years some valuable features were added to Embedded Wizard to improve the usability and to make the development with Embedded Wizard more efficient. Even if the update to the latest EmWi version is available for free from our Embedded Wizard download center, some of the new features require a chargeable feature upgrades such as:

  • code generator optimization
  • integrated debugger
  • inspector assistants, code assistants, CLUT generation, code refactoring

In case you are using an Embedded Wizard license that was shipped many years ago, the license key (USB dongle) may not contain the activation for the above features. In this case, we can offer an upgrade for your license. The upgrade comes as a small activation file for your USB dongle and will be delivered via email.

To get more information on the available features with new versions, please have a look into the Embedded Wizard Release Notes.

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