in GUI Development by

       I have added vertical scroll bar in my learning application.i need small size vrtical bar,so i am select from property   (WidgetSet::MiniVerticalScrollbar_Medium).when run my application vertical bar is not showing.it is automatically hided.can you please guide me to resolve this.


With Regards,


1 Answer

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Hello Ramesh,

for the first step I recommend you the chapter Vertical Scrollbar. For example, the section Select the appearance for the Vertical Scrollbar explains the differences between the normal and mini version of the scrollbars.

Since your application case does not correspond to any of the per default provided Scrollbar Config objects, you will need to create your own object. The simplest in your case would be to:

1. Create a copy of the existing object WidgetSet::MiniVerticalScrollbar_Medium. How you do this is explained in the section Modify provided default Vertical Scrollbar Config objects.

2. Associate the copied configuration object to the scrollbar.

3. Modify the property AutoHideDelay of the copied configuration object to the value 0.

4. Modify the property FadeInDuration of the copied configuration object to the value 0.

5. Modify the property FadeOutDuration of the copied configuration object to the value 0.

6. Modify the property HideIfNotNeeded of the copied configuration object to the value false.

7. Modify the property Touchable of the copied configuration object to the value true.

More details concerning the above used properties is found the above mentioned chapter starting with the section Customize your own Vertical Scrollbar.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Ho Paul Banach,

   Thanks for the quick update. I have added above mentioed steps and i have added property -WidgetSet::VerticalScrollbar_Small in my window .but i am not able to change width.i want to change the width.

Hello Ramesh,

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean with "i am not able to change width.i want to change the width". If your intention is to configure an individual appearance of the scrollbar, please see the chapter Vertical Scrollbar, especially the sections starting with Customize your own Vertical Scrollbar till the end of the chapter.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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