in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hi Guys!.

I'm working on a prototype with a free embedded wizard. My device will have more "graphic modes" (different Core: Root / Core: Group) to display some elements with a common logic (text value, color, flashing timing).

Can I create the functions common to all the pages in the autoobject and passing the individual graphic elements as an argument? Obviously each page will have its own observer or timer which will call a Slot that  call the method in the auto-object; passing as parameters the local elements of the gui. In my case Views :: Frame and Views :: Text.

It's Possible ? is the right way to do that?  i don't wont to mantain the same chora  inside multiple Core:Root o Group.

 Thank you very much

1 Answer

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Hello Gmaro,

Can I create the functions common to all the pages in the autoobject and passing the individual graphic elements as an argument? Obviously each page will have its own observer or timer which will call a Slot that  call the method in the auto-object; passing as parameters the local elements of the gui. In my case Views :: Frame and Views :: Text.

Autoobjects are well suitable to contain common functionality and to store global data. However, I have not understood what exact functionality do you except with "passing the individual graphic elements as an argument" and "each page will have its own ...". Generally, thanks to the integrated programming language Chora you are flexible to implement the desired functionality similar to how you do this in e.g. ANSI C. If you want the functionality to be implemented globally, then you can use autoobjects for this purpose.

However, whether your approach will simplify the implementation, I'm not sure. We recommend to follow the OOP concept of inheritance when designing the application. Then you can implement generic GUI components as a base component and derive from them more specialized components.

i don't wont to mantain the same chora  inside multiple Core:Root o Group.

Important: You should not have multiple Core::Root. Except special application cases, a GUI application contains always 1 (one) Core::Root component.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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