in Embedded Wizard Studio by

i have a vertical list and i want to update an Item with VerticalList.InvalidateItems(Index, Index).

For example i want to Update item 3 (want to change the color), my Problem is that it dont happens instant when i want it, it just update it when i swich the selection to item3 or when i go from item 3 to 4.

I have a class for one list item with some properties from where i fill the verticallist (like if the item is active). There i differentiate in the UpdateViewState which color the items should have, if it is selected or if they are active or not.

I save the active status of each item in an array (the array is filled from an generated function).

Then i set the item property from the array in OnloadItem (could not found a way to change properties from an vertticallist item in a seperate function then the OnloadItem function).

In the generated setActive function, from where i fill the array, VerticalList.InvalidateItems(Index, Index) is called. (and should update the item i want instand i my opinion, but it dousnt)


Thank you for you help!

1 Answer

0 votes
I found the solution..

needed to add InvalidateViewState() to the set methode from my property Active.

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