in GUI Development by

   i am creaating small forms  and datafields are firstame,lastname

when i choose japanse-datafieds changed to japanase language

how to change dynamically, please guide me to resolve this

1 Answer

0 votes

   I find this example code but how they ae creating global variable,how it is changed dyanamically.

i am not able to find the signal slot flow.wher they are pass the othr language strings.

please guide me to resolve this.
Hello GuruRamesh,

at which step do you get the error? Concerning the error message, without the corresponding code or other details I'm not able to deduce the error cause. Please show me the code or upload a small project demonstrating your actual implementation.

Best regards

Paul Banach

One idea: is it possible that your component does contain a Push Button named Italian? And your project also contains a language member named Italian? Then the line language = Italian; would report the error because Italian identifies the button. In such case rename the button so its name does not conflict with the name of the language Italian.

Best regards

Paul Banach 



i have attached code for  create small button and try to change language please find it.



Hi Paul Banach,

    Now i have chnaged button name .now it is working fine.


With regards

That sounds good! ​​

Best regards

Paul Banach

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