in System Integration by
In some case it is necessary to get information, defined in Embedded Wizard macros, in the C-code of an application. How to realize this?

1 Answer

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In a profile you can define a macro, but macros are not automatically exported as defines in the generated C-code. To get a #define in the generated C-code we recommend the following way:

  1. Create a macro in the profile where you want to get a #define in the generated code. For example, create the macro "NTSC" and set its content to "true" or "false" and another macro “MaxNoOfChannels” with the content 3000.
  2. Create a new unit e.g. “Configuration“ and get an "Inline Code"-brick from the Gallery into this unit.
  3. The inline code can be edited in the editor window. There you can implement your #defines dependent on the EmWi macro contents e.g.:
$if $NTSC


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