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For some features this can be a very helpful function.
I assume this was available till 9.2. Is there any replacement available? Why it was removed?

1 Answer

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Hello Nils,

I assume this was available till 9.2. Is there any replacement available? Why it was removed?

masking was never supported in Embedded Wizard. The item is however on our to-do list.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hello Paul,

i checked a bit further the documentation. They way how similar things (a bit more limited) could be done would be with paths, right?
Or are the path's not combinable with an image and only rendered with an brush-color?

BR Nils

Hello Nils,

Or are the path's not combinable with an image and only rendered with an brush-color?

paths can't be combined with images. You can only specify a color to fill an area described by the path. 

Best regards

Paul Banach

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