in GUI Development by
Hello team,

I have created 3 separate screens for my Application, and the transition between these screens is currently triggered by an event of a Timer or the user's input to dismiss or open a new screen. I would like to know if it is possible to trigger the transition to a screen from the hardware instead of a timer on Embedded Wizard?

Thank you in advance.

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Hello ramyabhagi,

your question addresses the aspects of how to integrate the GUI application with the hardware or underlying middleware software. To learn how to do this I would recommend you the documentation Implementing a Device Interface. Especially the sub-chapters System Event and System Event Handler describe the desired functionality to receive events from the underlying device.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

Thank you Paul. Based on what I could understand from the documentation, the transition between screens is purely in control of the GUI. Unless there is a trigger from a physical attribute connected to the hardware which in turn would affect the transition, I don't see the possibility of the transition of screen happening.

For eg. the current scenario where I am transitioning between screens is by means of a timer post the completion of an Effect. From my understanding, I don't think it is possible to trigger the effect from the underlying hardware. Or is it?

Please correct me if I am wrong.



Hello Ramya,

with System Event and the System Event Handler you can receive events from the underlying software/hardware and perform the same operations as you do in response to keyboard, touch, timer, animation events. So you should very well be able to use the System Events to trigger a switch of screens. Just try it.

 I don't see the possibility of the transition of screen happening. 

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean.

I don't think it is possible to trigger the effect from the underlying hardware. Or is it? 

I don't see any obstacle to not doing this with the System Event.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your support! This helped. :)



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