in System Integration by
Hello, we would love to use Embedded Wizard for our device, but one of the requirements is that it has to work with Pimoroni Hyperpixel 2.1 Round LCD which uses a High Speed DPI interface at 18bits of color.

The display works fine and i can see the PIs main Terminal on it, and i can also launch applications on it from boot such as chromium through x server, the display is recognized in the pi

I am using the correct build environment, but since the lcd is not connected through HDMI or DSI, Display initialization fails.

Please add support for DPI displays as they are the new industry standard for PI based embedded devices, or please help me modify gfx_system_drm and ewconfig.h Thank you,

This is the page for the Displa----->https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/hyperpixel-round?variant=39381081882707

This is the Github for the display driver--->https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel2r

1 Answer

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thank you for your feedback.

As you already mentioned, we support DSI and HDMI displays in combination with Raspberry Pi targets. So far we do not have tested to use the DPI display from your link. Due to the fact that the entire display and touch integration is provided as source code, you can try to adapt that. 

If you are interested in some professional services (porting to custom specific hardware) please get in contact with us.

Best regards,


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