in GUI Development by
For some reasons, the characters of the font used within my UI project appear jaggy - not with a smooth shape. Any idea what happens?

1 Answer

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The jaggy character display may be caused by several reasons:

  • In case that the jagged characters only appear on your target system and not inside Embedded Wizard Studio, you should ensure that the jagged characters are not due any video post-prosessing such as scaling or disadvantageous video improvements. Also an instable hardware connection or incorrect LCD timings may lead to frazzled screen content.
  • In case you are using a Platform Package with Index8 color format, jagged characters are often caused by a combination of a disadvantageous CLUT and the selected font quality (see attribute ‘Quality’ in your font resource brick). Since Index8 is a lower quality color format it is hard to find a good trade-off between a high font quality and the usage of anti-aliasing of different font colors on different background colors. To reach this you need to take care that the necessary colors for anti-aliasing are available in your CLUT. This can either be done, by a manual editing of the used CLUT file (see attribute ‘Clut’ in your profile) or by using the automatic CLUT generation feature of Embedded Wizard Studio.
  • The font quality is an attribute of each font resource and it can be set to ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ or ‘High’. ‘Low’ font quality will cause Embedded Wizard to generate 1-bit based bitmap font from the used true type font glyphs without anti-aliasing. ‘Medium’ font quality will cause Embedded Wizard to generate a 2-bit (4 colors) based bitmap font and ‘High’ font quality generates a 4-bit (16 colors) based bitmap font. Higher font quality improves the readability of the glyphs by anti-aliasing, but you must be aware that it increases the memory requirement of the font resources.

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