in Embedded Wizard Studio by

The above design is what expected. i have done the same but unable to place the short lines as labeled. I have chosen the stroke path and designed the scale as shown below. I am able to achieve the big lines(by writing slot methods ) on the scale. kindly assist to place short lines on the scale as labelled in the above fig. 

1 Answer

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there are different options - depending on the use-case or feature-set you want to implement.

In principle, you can do the same as you have done for the big lines. You can store the small line in a separate Path Data object and use a separate Stroked Path with the desired width for drawing the small lines.

Alternatively, if you just want to show the scale (without zooming or animations) you can store the entire scale with all lines and numbers in an Alpha8 image and use that as background image.

Best regards,




Thanks for the solution , it helped.

I want to synchronize the gauze track movement with the center value (just as an example 136 is shown). I am able to move this numbers using int32 effect & respective method slot, but unable to sync these numbers with the track movement on the scale. kindly assist.

I want to synchronize the gauze track movement with the center value (just as an example 136 is shown). I am able to move this numbers using int32 effect & respective method slot, but unable to sync these numbers with the track movement on the scale. kindly assist.

The answer depends on your chosen implementation.

If your gauge track and your center value are implemented as widgets with an Outlet property, you can connect these property references with a speed property. See chapter Outlet properties within the document Implementing component interface.

If your gauge track is just a stroke path and your center value is just a text view, then you can use a slot method within your gauge class: The slot method (e.g. updateSpeed()) is triggered by the int32 effect. Within the slot method you take the current value of the effect and assign it to the path and the center value.

Best regards,


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