in GUI Development by

We are implementing a GUI component using sliders and similar elements that adjust numerous settings values which, in turn, are communicated to an underlying business logic via the Device Driver interface.
The raw settings values of the business logic need to be recalculated, scaled, and sometimes even iterated prior to being displayed in the GUI component, and vice versa.

From the performance point of view, would you recommend implementing this processing in Chora, or would you suggest doing this as C native code in the business logic, communicating only the values ready to be displayed by the GUI component over the Device Driver interface?


1 Answer

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Hello Steffen,

We don't expect any disadvantage when implementing expressions in Chora. Chora arithmetic expressions are converted in corresponding native code (for example C using C notation and C lib functions). There are no Chora runtime interpreter used in the target system. Implementing business logic in Chora has also the advantage that you can test and prototype the entire functionality directly in Embedded Wizard Studio.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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