in Platform Packages by
Hi Team,

We are looking to get the custom module for QR code widget.
I needed to understand how we use it, are their any APIs to generate the QR code or is there any QR Code generator provided with it.

It will be great if you can provide us with information about how to integrate and use it.
I am using EW 12.04 pro edition with STM32.Neochrome platform package for STM32U599 MCU.



1 Answer

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Hi Vikas,

The QR Code widget is an Embedded Wizard binding for the QR-Code-Generator
Copyright © 2019 Project Nayuki (MIT License), which allows to easily render QR codes within a GUI project.

- Optimized rendering
- Scalable size
- Selectable colors
- Running within prototyper
- Prepared for Embedded and WebGL projects

Using the QR Code widget, you place it at your GUI and assign a string to it's property 'Text' and it will be rendered.

Thank you Rudolf for the insights of the QR code widget !

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