in GUI Development by

jvstin.off on May 17, 2023

Hello again EW team,

I have my text editor and a "Clear" button.

Now I want the text editor string to be empty when I press my button.

But all my attempts have not worked.

How can I get it to work?


Best regards


Paul Banach on May 17, 2023

Hello Justin,

have you tried to assign an empty string "" to the property String of the Editor component (e.g. Editor.String = "")?

Best regards

Paul Banach

 jvstin.off on June 05, 2023

Hello Paul,

I had already tried that, but it hadn't worked.

I have now solved it differently by having a TextEditorField created in the code and it is deleted and recreated by changing the selection or by pressing the button.

Now I have another problem, when I click on Done, the last character of my string is not transferred, why is that?

Best regards



1 Answer

0 votes
I tested in my other progarm and there it works, i dont know, what is wrong in my main project
Okay, i found the problem, it was my Asset "TextEditor", idk why, but i delete it an create it new, now it works.


Best regards


Hello Justin,

does it mean the problem from our conversation Text Editor - String Change is solved?

Best regards


Yes, that's right.


Best regards


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