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Hi Team,

I am getting flash memory overflow issue due to font resources & ranges added in embedded_wizard. 

How to resolve this issue?

1 Answer

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let me refer to the article Memory Footprint - especially to the section Optimizing the Flash Memory (ROM) usage.

I hope this answers your question. Otherwise, please share some more details about your target and your project.

Best regards,



Hi Manfred Schweyer,

I referred this section, but I can't reduce the font range in my project.
Please find the reference of font name & ranges added for my project.


based on the project I can see that you have a couple of fonts, each with huge font ranges (thousands of glyphs).

So... How can I help you? If you need the different font sizes, each with the given font range, I cannot reduce that without knowing your design.

Do you need the full range?

How much flash do you have? How much RAM do you have? What target are you using?

Maybe the usage of an external True Type Fonte Engine (TTFE) is an option...

Best regards,


I just want to support the unicode ranges for all languages, which is present in attached project.

Example: English Unicode range- U+0000 to U+007F , korean unicode range-0xAC00-0xD7A3, etc

My project platform package is - NXP.LPC.RGB565




How much flash do you have? How much RAM do you have? What target are you using?

Maybe the usage of an external True Type Fonte Engine (TTFE) is an option...

Best regards,
Flash - 16MB , RAM- 64MB

How can we configure this external TTF option for all languages?

in case you want to display text with content that is received dynamically during runtime (e.g. from a phone) and you want to show text with support of Chinese, Japanese and Korean you need to provide several thousands of glyphs in order to show any message on the screen. In such a case, it is a good solution to integrate an external TrueType Font Engine (TTFE), like the FreeType2 font engine.
For customers we provide dedicated Platform Packages in order to use a TTFE instead of generating the compressed bitmap glyphs.
Within the target you have to integrate the TTFE - we can provide a template so that you can have the FreeType2 font engine up and running very quickly.
However, the FreeType font engine requires a LOT of memory allocated dynamically and a lot of stack. The required size depends completely on the TTF file that you want to use.

In case you are interested in such a solution, please get in contact with us directly via support@embedded-wizard.de then we can discuss your project and the licensing aspects in more detail.

Best regards,


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