in GUI Development by
I want to display a graph view using line chart. The following features need to be adapted within the graph view.

- both vertical and horizontal grid lines

- auto scaling according to measurements

- scroll left to right to see the previous/or current plotted values as needed

-dynamic measurement range

- display of live reading values

-dots to indicate when the reading was taken

- showing to different measurement graphs in one graph with 2 vertical axis

-when tapping a point on the graph it should appears with a halo as a visual indication that it was selected

-tool tip to highlight the selected reading

-x axis is for time display and some measured values won't come with time and that time x axis is left empty.

Is it possible to adapt all those above features in graph view? If yes, provide some guidelines or examples.






1 Answer

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Hi Sazna,

of course, you can implement your own graph class that fulfills all of the mentioned requirements. According to the feature set that you mentioned, it might be better to use a Graph template or to create your own graph component based on vector graphics.

You will find several different examples (Climate Cabinet, Waveform Generator, Pulse Oximeter, Oscilloscope, ...) delivered with Embedded Wizard Studio - each with different types of graphs. Let me recommend to have a look on these examples and then create your own implementation according to your needs.

We cannot provide an implementation that already matches all your application use-case - if you have a dedicated question, please let us know.

Best regards,



Hi Manfred,

I tried the graph view using vector graphics which is used in the example Pulse Oximeter. When I run the project, it runs for a long. unable to find the root cause. Please assist me. And if I want dynamic grid change and dot bitmaps to display graph values (similar to climate cabinet) then how those features can be adapted to vector graphics?




Hi Sazna,

in your example you have implemented a while loop that will loop for ever:

Since x and inx will not change within the while loop, the loop can never exit....

Best regards,


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