in Getting started by
Hi EW Team,
My EWS keeps crashing these days and I am not able to understand why (can not find any crash .log file neither). I would like to know if there's any way to configure the 20 minutes autosave's timer.


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Hi Velas,

sorry to hear that you have some troubles with Embedded Wizard Studio crashes...

First of all, which version of Embedded Wizard Studio are you using (exact number with build number you will find in the log window during startup)?

Is the crash reproducible?

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,
Of course I can provide you thoses informations! EWS Pro 9.20 (build 3202). I can not reproduce it. Sometimes it does not happen for 2-3 hours, sometimes it happens 3 times in an hour.


Hi Velas,

first of all you should consider to update your Embedded Wizard Studio version.... V9.20 is more than 4 years old and there have been so much improvements and bug-fixes over the years...

Anyhow, to answer your question: You can adapt the auto-save time by using regedit. Change the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TARA Systems\Embedded Wizard Studio\<Version>\Embedded Wizard Studio\AutoSaveElapse

By default it is 20 min (0x00000014) - you can reduce it according to your needs.

Best regards,


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