in System Integration by


I am trying to make use of a property (defined as a string type ) within my Device Class, and have a property observer be notified to changes of that property.   I am running this on a SAMA5 platform using the supplied generic platform package.  This is my first attempt to use properties and observers, and am getting the error shown in the attached image at runtime.  

I have tried to follow the example of the "HardButtonCounter" that is shown in the DeviceIntegration example, but I seem to be doing something incorrect with management of strings.

In my device driver, the string is defined as:

  char version[] = "000";
My call to the Object to perform the update looks like:

    ApplicationDeviceClassShmem__UpdateVersion( DeviceObjectShmem,  (XString) &version[0] );
My method in the in my class looks like:

The Application "onEvent" handler looks like this:

Please let me know your thoughts.




1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Rich,

please have a look to the documentation about Integrating with the device - especially to the section Be careful when exchanging strings.

In your code snippet you convert your C char array to an XString - which will cause the error about the unmanaged strings...

Best regards,


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