in GUI Development by


I'm importing a font with Height=20px using the 'popular' setting & the windows converter is set in the profile.

However, when I use the font the Ascent is 18 and the Descent is 5 which adds to 23, meaning the characters are wrong. (The font is being used in Adobe XD tool as 20px)

According to this page:


Height should be Ascent + Descent using the popular setting.

(This is embedded wizard 12.03)

Am I missing something here?

Using 18 and 17 as the height in EW makes it 21 and 19 pixels high.

(I cannot share the font as it is not mine.)

EDIT: Changing the font rendered to FreeType seems to fix this...? Is this expected?

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello harbottle,

Changing the font rendered to FreeType seems to fix this...? Is this expected?

difficult to deduce why the conversion produces different metric values. Possibly there is some peculiarity in the combination between the Windows font engine and the used font.

The font is being used in Adobe XD tool as 20px

I suppose, Adobe XD tool does not depend on Windows font engine. The results therefore may differ. If you are interested in a more profund analysis, we would need the font file.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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