in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Is there a way to disable warning reporting during code generation as a whole or specific warnings like "native statement is ignored during prototyping"?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hello Thanseer,

please see the section Statements: native and the $if !$prototyper .. $endif directives mentioned in this chapter for conditional compiling.

I hope it helps you further.

best regards

Paul Banach

Thank you for the answer Paul.

But that was just an example I gave for warning. Is there a mechanism to turn off all the warnings reporting completely?

Hello Thanseer,

Is there a mechanism to turn off all the warnings reporting completely?

No, it is not possible. We recommend to inspect every warning individually and carry out appropriate measures to fix the warning. Warnings indicate possible error sources which, if ignored, may manifest themselves later at the runtime of the application or cause other problems.

Best regards


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