in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hey guys,

I am using Bezier Clock code example, everything works fine, But when I set the time of this month say for example RTC_DEFAULT_TIME =1702941840. Then the program doesn't run and I see a white screen. Can someone explain me why this happens and the solution?

I see that the program gets stuck at cyhal_rtc_write( &Rtc, &dateTime );

Looks like it is december that is causing the problem, whenever I set december as the month no matter which year, this occurs.

Update: So what I saw is that int tm_mon takes value from [​0​, 11], and the program is assigning 12 to it if December. So this is causing the error.


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

thanks for your message! It seems that cyhal_rtc_write() expects the months from 0...11 - but the current implementation in ew_bsp_clock.c provides the months from 1...12.

I just raised a ticket.

Due to the fact that this part is always provided as source code, it can be easily adapted.

Thanks and best regards,


Hey Manfred,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I tried to change the switch cases of CoreTime_getMonthName in Core.cm and removed "+1" in make time function, it does fix December but still causes some problem when it is Jan. Looks like this is because month is being used somewhere else and there is a change required to it too, quiet complicated to understand all the time and date calculation to perfect this all.

 I would really appreciate if you guys can fix the code asap and drop an update once done smiley

Thanks again!


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