in GUI Development by

Regarding the "switch to dialog", if I have two dialogs, A and B,  A is to display a clock, B is to display temperature.

And I start with dialog A, the clock is 12:00, then I switch to dialog B. And I stay at dialog B for maybe 5 minutes,

after that switch to dialog A with slide transition, the problem is I can see the clock time of dialog is still 12:00 during the transition,

then when the transition is finished, I can finally see the clock changes to 12:05.

Is there any way to slove this kind of problem?


1 Answer

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Hello chaunon,

I suppose, the implementation of dialog A is missing an initial update of the displayed time. This could be implemented in the method Init. Then use a timer to periodically refresh the displayed time. Also possible: configure the timer with a very short period for its first expiration (e.g. Begin = 1).

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

Thank you, your answer is very useful.

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