in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Linker reports error:

../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: ./Obj/Application.o: in function `ApplicationDeviceClass__Init':
Application.c:(.text.ApplicationDeviceClass__Init+0x1e): undefined reference to `DeviceIntegrationExample_Init'

Although inline is placed with DeviceDriver.h and placed at the bottom of order.

The default example that use the same approach is working.
I noticed that Application.c is not starting in a same way on example and my code...maybe that is a problem. In example it start with inline insertion
#include DeviceDriver.h
but on my code it doesn't. It is included somewhere in the middle. However when I hardcode it to be included also at the beggining of the file it doesn't help.

Could someone know what could be the cause of this?

Best regards,

1 Answer

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Hi Miroslav,

in case it is a linker error, the header file is not the problem. In case of a missing header file, you would get a compiler error or warning.

I assume the linker does not find the compiled DeviceDriver.c file - please make sure that the file DeviceDriver.c is listed in your makefile or project file and that it will be compiled.

In case the file is compiled, make sure that there are not some #ifdef sections that prevents the compiler from compiling the function DeviceIntegrationExample_Init(), You can check that by editing some garbage into the function and see if the compiler reports an error.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Hello Manfred,

Unreal responsivity from your side!

Thanx, that solved the issue!

Best regards,

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