Browse categories

  • Getting started 213 questions Getting started with Embedded Wizard - here you will find articles and examples to make your first UI project and to get familiar with Embedded Wizard.
  • Embedded Wizard Studio 517 questions Within this section you will find all questions and answers concerning Embedded Wizard Studio - covering topics like Prototyper, Composer, Gallery, Inspector, Font Import or CLUT Generation.
  • GUI Development 921 questions Programmers corner: Here you will find all questions and answers about the programming language Chora, the class library Mosaic. Tips & Tricks will help you to implement eye-candy effects and fancy user interfaces.
  • Platform Packages 218 questions This section contains questions and answers concerning Embedded Wizards abstraction layer, the so called 'Platform Packages'. Here you will find more information concerning Code Generator, Resource Converter, Graphics Engine and the Runtime Environment.
  • System Integration 405 questions This category collects all questions and answers about running your UI application on a certain embedded system. Here you will find information about working with operating systems, data exchange with your native software, event handling, memory footprint, runtime optimization,...

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