in System Integration by

I work on an application for STM32429I-EVAL board, my application doesn't use FreeRTOS. I have a screen button to put my application in sleep mode (to reduce consumption). I know how to stop all my device use at low level (UART, USB, ...) and how to go in stop mode.

My question is how to stop the high level application (GUI) properly et how to restart it when i wakeup my application?

Best regard,


1 Answer

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Hello Flo,

maybe the article 'Suspend and Resume of an Embedded Wizard UI application' covers your question. Since the entire UI application is running in a cooperative model, you are free to drive the UI according your needs.

In case that the entire RAM / SDRAM content is available after wakeup, you can stop the UI application at any time and continue later. In case the entire RAM / SDRAM content is lost, you have to save the current UI state and restart the complete UI application.

Best regards,


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