in System Integration by
I cannot flash the provided MasterDemo to my IMXRT1050-EVKB board. Also other examples do not work. Any chance to solve this?

1 Answer

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Hi there,


can you please test whether it is possible to flash any other binary, for example the binary of a NXP SDK example?


Sometimes the iMX boards do have the problem, that the flash tool cannot connect to the board, without any reason….

Then please connect with the MCUXpresso GUI Flash Tool once to the board, and try to flash the master demo again.


If that will not help, could you please try to do following step:

1. DIP Switch SW7 to OFF, OFF, OFF, ON

2. Connect USB to J28

3. Open MCUXpresso IDE

4. Import of any iMX RT1050-EVKB SDK example

5. Press in MCUXpresso on the small arrow beside the GUI Flash Tool and select

 'MCUXpresso IDE LinkServer'.


6. Switch to ab ‘Erase‘ and select ‘Mass erase’

7. 'Connect to Target' and select 'CMSIS-DAP'

8. Press ‘OK‘

9. Switch SW7 back to OFF, ON, ON, OFF

10. Try again to flash the master demo


Please let me know whether that helps.


Best regards,


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