in Getting started by
Hello everyone,

I'm new to embedded wizard (and to all of embedded systems in general) and i'm trying to connect it to my envision kit, followed the steps from Embedded Wizard to flash a program to envision kit but keep getting this error, from both, terminal and flash programmer "Error(E3000101): The data already exist and cannot be overwritten. (Address: 0xFE7F5D40)". What can i do to solve it and get application running on the envision kit? also, i don't know if i set the .bat file correctly as they recommend in the envision kit article, these are the lines i have right now

set GCC_For_Renesas_Path=C:\ProgramData\GCC for Renesas RX\rx-elf\rx-elf\bin
set Renesas_Flash_Programmer_Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\Programming Tools\Renesas Flash Programmer V3.09

If they are wrong, let me now how to change them, i installed them as the installation wizard recommend

1 Answer

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within the file StartGccBuildEnvironment.bat you need the following setting:

set GCC_For_Renesas_Path=C:\ProgramData\GCC for Renesas RX\rx-elf\rx-elf\bin

Within the file FlashDownload.cfg you need the following setting:

RenesasFlashProgrammerPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\Programming Tools\Renesas Flash Programmer V3.09

Please note, that the second setting does not have a 'set' at the beginning and it does not use '_' within the name.

Does it work with these settings?

Best regards,


i downloaded again and set it as you said on your first answer, but still no, get the same error. About the compiler, i don't know exactly what you mean or where can i find that info, if you mean the version of embedded wizard is 11.0

After opening the build console via StartGccBuildEnvironment.bat, please type

rx-elf-gcc --version

you should get

rx-elf-gcc (GCC_Build_20201001) 20190222

Is this the case?


Ok... I just downloaded the latest GNURX Compiler "GCC for Renesas Toolchain" and I can reproduce the same issue.

[Error] E3000101: The data already exist and cannot be overwritten. (Address: 0xFE7F5D40)

We need further investigations on that.

Please uninstall that GNURX compiler version and download / install the following GNURX compiler version "GCC for Renesas Toolchain".

Then it will work - at least at intermediate solution.

Best regards,


This is what i get from StartGccBuildEnvironment.bat

rx-elf-gcc (GCC_Build_20210528) 20190222

I'll try the solution you suggest and hope it works :)
It works!!!!

Thank you so very much, you helped me a lot! :D

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