in GUI Development by
Hello, dears,

I'm using an iMXRT1170 EVK. It has the ability to switch camera data to LCD. is there any tool in the embedded wizard to direct taken data straightly to LCD by a scale or superimposition?

1 Answer

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if I understand your question correctly, you want to display the camera data on top of your GUI application. There are different solutions possible.

You can either show the video on top of GUI within a separate hardware layer - or you can integrate the video image into the display composition of the GUI application.

Unfortunately, there is no ready-to-use example that demonstrates the integration of a camera within an Embedded Wizard GUI application on an i.MX RT1170 EVK.

For all topics concerning the camera access, let me refer to examples provided by NXP within the MCUXpresso SDK.

The integration within Embedded Wizard can be done by using the Applet Interface. This article describes all details about the integration of an external application (e.g. video decoder, camera).

In the past we had a similar discussion for STM32 here, maybe you can use this as example how to bring the camera data into an applet.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,



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