in System Integration by
Hi there,

I've read, that using applets, it's possible to get a live camera feed working with EW.

I just want to know, is this supported in EW 8.30?

If not via applets, is there any way to get it working in EW 8.30?

Kind Regards,


1 Answer

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Hi Rob,

meanwhile (starting with version 12) we have integrated Extern Video within the mosaic framework to use video content as a resource like regular bitmaps.

For previous versions, the integration of a camera feed can be done by using the Applet Interface. This article describes all details about the integration of an external application (e.g. video decoder, camera). The article is only available for newer versions, but the class Views::Applet exists since many years and is also available in version 8.30.

In the past we had a similar discussion for STM32 here, maybe you can use this as example how to bring the camera data into an applet.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


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