in Embedded Wizard Studio by

At my project need support Multi finger interactive.

For example the panel have 3 button:

      the function of button A is increase the valume,

      the function of button B is increase illumination of screen,

      the function of button C is play music,

For customer requirement document, We need support 5 finger interactive for different function at the same time.

But actually at the board test, when i press button A and button B at the same time, It have 50% chance that button A and B function can't be triggered at same time.

    At the board test, i add EW trace log that include time tick. When trigger Touch Down or Touch Up event, log systerm will output event information and time tick.

    When button A and button B OnPress event happen, output event information and time tick.  

For the log information, i find the two button trigger normally once and can't trigger once,maybe cycle the trigger and not trigger process.


But when i simulate this problem on PC,button A and B can trigger normally every time.


Why on board test different with simulate on PC?

what cause the on board test problem?

And at the on board test log information i find this:

     1、when the two Touch_DOWN event interval time more than 50ms,button A and B can trigger normally every time

     2、when the two Touch_DOWN event interval time is 0ms (trigger at the same time),  button A and B can trigger normally every time

     3、when the two Touch_DOWN event interval time less than 50ms,button A and B can't trigger normally every time

For last question, I know the default one touch event check time is 50ms, but i can't understand the relationship on it.

And i want to know the board test problem rootcause


Note:another information: my project have a Quike Gesture: if two finger slide on the screen need present dialog a new penal

     3、when the two Touch_DOWN event interval time less than 50ms,button A and B can't trigger normally every time

     At test case 3: the two finger touch been make sure to a 2-finger-slide event?

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello ke007,

from your description I have understood that the buttons are arranged behind a Slide or Wipe touch handler configured to react to 2-finger gestures. Is it correct? In such case, could you please provide us following information to narrow down the behaviour:

1. The used version of Embedded Wizard Studio.

2. The name of the target system.

3. Are you using the original Build Environment source code or have you made any adaptation on it?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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