in Platform Packages by

in my Project i want to place all Bitmap and Font Ressources into the external QSPI-Flash.

I found examples for the GCC Compiler but I didn´t find any example for IAR.

One way to place Ressources into the external Flash ist to use @".qspi_flash".

Is there a way to tell Embedded Wizard to add an Inline Code Block at every Ressource?


Kind regards,


1 Answer

–1 vote

to locate resources to the external QSPI flash with IAR Embedded Workbench we are using following aproach:

1. Adding QSPI section in the Linker configuration file (.icf)


define symbol __region_QSPI_start__ = 0x90000000;
define symbol __region_QSPI_end__   = 0x9FFFFFFF;


define region QSPI_region     = mem:[from __region_QSPI_start__ to __region_QSPI_end__];


place in QSPI_region { readonly section ExtQSPIFlashSection };


2. Setting following #pragma string at the beginning of each file containing resources:

   #pragma default_variable_attributes = @ "ExtQSPIFlashSection"


In IAR EW there is a possibility to add such #pragma by including an additional header file containing this #pragma:

- select the source file containing the resources in the Project view

- right click -> Options -> select C/C++ Compiler -> select Preprocessor

- mark "Override inherited settings"

- add the header file containg the #pragma string at 'Preinclude file:'
The question is specifically asked about keeping "Bitmap and Font Resources" at external flash and accessing them via QSPI. The answer given here is very generic and also it is about the implementation at IAR not at EmWiz.

I also add my question here,

1) Can I somehow inform EmWiz to store and retrieve Font Resources, Bitmaps and Strings at particular memory location I configure?

Based on the memory address configuration, i can kickin QSPI.


Hi Maharaja,

Basically Embedded Wizard does not handle memory locations.

However, I can imagine to add some Inline Code with compiler dependend pragmas within units containing Font Resources, Bitmaps or Strings.



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