in GUI Development by
I have a program that I finished a month ago. I went into EW to make some minor bug fixes and every time the program is saved, I receive these messages.


[16.8.2017 14:25:28] Fatal error Application : Can not create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Embedded Wizard Eval 8.20\ProjectTemplates\STM32F469 Discovery\ApplicationB302.tmp'.
[16.8.2017 14:25:28] Fatal error Application : The saving of the unit 'Application' is failed.

Not a lot to go on here. I even tried re-installing EW but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer

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Best answer


I suppose you have opened and you are editing one the project templates. The folder C:\Program Files ...\ProjectTemplates contains templates the Embedded Wizard uses when you create a new project. Thus the folder belongs to the installation of Embedded Wizard and is protected agains modifications. You should not modify this folder.

Usually, when you create a new project, the content of a template is copied in your selected document folder. Then you work with this copy only. The original template is not modified.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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