in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Does Embedded Wizard support (semi-)transparent colors in Index8 color mode? How to improve the results?

1 Answer

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This article describes the usage of transparency on Index8 targets and gives some hints what you can do in case of missing transparent colors or even in case of wrong color display.

In general you should avoid intensive usage of semi-transparent colors and the opacity feature in Index8 color format, because you need a lot of transparent colors with many different alpha values to get a good result. As you might know, the Index8 color format is a lower quality format which makes it difficult to get a richly colored user interface.

Nevertheless in case of a bad image quality you can do some things to improve the display result.

  1. The CLUT file is in a readable text format. So first check whether the required colors are available in the CLUT.
  2. If the colors are represented in the CLUT, but the display is still wrong, ensure that you have set the correct CLUT file in the brick of the used profile (see attribute 'Clut' in the profile bricks of your EmWi project).
  3. The next countermeasure is to improve the used CLUT. On the one side, this can be done manually, by editing of the used CLUT file (see attribute 'Clut' in your profile). On the other side, you can use the automatic CLUT generation feature of Embedded Wizard. On this support platform you can find a guided tour for the automatic CLUT generation.

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