in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I have a project that needs to be moved to a new computer at the same workplace, do I need to restart the project all over again or is there a way to transfer the project? My previous attempts ended up corrupting all of the files.

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first install Embedded Wizard on the new computer. Also install all Platform Packages and Build Environments, C compiler, etc. you need for the development.

Then on the old computer locate where your project is stored and copy the entire project folder. If you don't know where the project is stored on your old computer, when the project is opened, you see its name incl. the file path in the caption bar of the Embedded Wizard window:

What do you mean with corrupting all of the files? Project files? Are files missing?

Best regards

Paul Banach


Sorry, the term "corrupted" may not be accurate, but the project became unusable after I tried copy-and-pasting the project onto another computer. I asked a question about why I received the error previously: https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/1142/error-can-not-create-file 


does it mean, the problem is solved now?

Best regards

Paul Banach
I'm afraid the problem is ongoing. If there's a way to fix the existing file, that would be great, but I don't think there is any short of re-creating the project from scratch.

can you provide me your project for investigation?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Another question: do you see any error messages, etc.? I still don't understand what "the project became unusable" does mean.

By the way, although I don't understand the file corruption, the Embedded Wizard stores the project information as pure text files you can open with an ordinary text editor and edit if necessary.

The error message reads like:


[16.8.2017 14:25:28] Fatal error Application : Can not create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Embedded Wizard Eval 8.20\ProjectTemplates\STM32F469 Discovery\ApplicationB302.tmp'.
[16.8.2017 14:25:28] Fatal error Application : The saving of the unit 'Application' is failed.

O.k. this is the error message from the another thread  https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/1142/error-can-not-create-file. I suppose, you have opened one of the provided project templates for editing your own project. Is this the case? As described in the thread, this is not the optimal approach :o)

According to the message, you was not able to save the project. This is because the project templates are stored in the protected area of file system.  Is your project still opened in an Embedded Wizard Studio instance? If yes, you can copy your project members between two Embedded Wizard Studio instances. For this purpose:

1. Switch in the Navigation Bar to the Composer page with the unit Application.

2. Press Ctrl+A to select all members within the unit.

3. Copy the members in the Clipboard by using the keys Ctrl+C.

4. Open a new instance of Embedded Wizard Studio.

5. Create now a new empty project.

6. In the just created project open the Composer for the unit Application.

7. Press Ctrl+A to select all members within the unit Application of the just created new project.

8. Press Del to delete the selected members.

9. Then press Ctrl+V to paste the previously (step 3) copied members from the another (original) project.

With these steps you have tranferred the unit contents from one project to another project.

Does it help you further?

Anyway, I would like to understand how you have gotten into this situation. The project templates files are usually not exposed. So accessing them is not evidently. Have you navigated with File Explorer to the folder and opened the files?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Yes, this is what I was planning to do, but I was curious if there was a different solution. Thank you for your help.

As to your question, I added a couple driver files in order to work better with the hardware and was trying to copy all of the related files onto a different computer. After copying the files, the program started showing that error.

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