in Getting started by

I have STM32F746NG Discovery.
I am practicing the Getting started with STM32: STM32F429 Discovery project with the embedded wizard version 8.30

I have faithfully implemented the Tools and Software listed in the documentation. ( https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-stm32f746-discovery?v=8.30 )
it works.

Then i followed all the steps listed in the " Compiling, Linking and Flashing " part but when I open StartBuildEnvironment.bat I got this :

* Welcome to Embedded Wizard Build Environment for STM32F746 Discovery V8.30

STM32Cube path:      C:\Users\Tom\Documents\PROJET\STM32\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.9.0
ToolChain path:      C:\Users\Tom\Documents\PROJET\STM32\arm-none-eabi
ST-LINK Utitlity:    C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility
ext. FLASH loader:   C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility/ExternalLoader/N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO.stldr
All checks are passed!

Entering Embedded Wizard Template project

* Getting started with Embedded Wizard and STM32F746 Discovery board:
* http://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-stm32f746-discovery
'gccvar.bat' is not recognized as an internal command or external, an executable program or a batch file.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi SnirTom,

gccvar.bat is contained in \gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin.

It is expeced at %Toolchain_Path%\bin

%Toolchain_Path% should point to:



Best Regards,
Dear Martin,

It works Thanks a lot !

Have a great day

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