in System Integration by
Hi hopefully someone can help me.

When I add a call to USBD_Initialize(0U); USBD_Connect(0U); the code embedded wizard code doesn't run from Keil (Black screen one half and fuzzie the other) . Also if I take away thread code to start embedded wizard the usb_intialise and connect works and I am able to see my mass storage (sd card) on my STMF469Disc.

Heres my Code

  /* Initialize CMSIS-RTOS2 */
  osKernelInitialize ();
  USBD_Initialize(0U);                  /* USB Device 0 Initialization        */
  USBD_Connect   (0U);                  /* USB Device 0 Connect               */
  /* Create application main thread */
  osThreadNew(EmWiMainLoop, NULL, &app_main_attr);

  /* Start thread execution */


Thanks Connor

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Connor,

it's very difficult to give you some helpful advices based on the provided information...

Do you already have the STM32F469 Discovery board successfully running with your own GUI application (without USB connection)? 

Do you have a serial connection to the hardware in order to receive some error messages? Please try to get the error messages via the console output - and let us know the results.

Furthermore, please ensure that the entire GUI application (and its initialization) is running within one task.

Best regards.


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