in System Integration by
Hi guys!

Right now i'm doing a project with the board stm32f469NI DISCOVERY, it's about an interface of dashboard car, i almost finish the first prototype but i have a problem, when i use external hardware, the screen flicker. If i put a led in at output of 3.3v it blink each time that i push a button or move the potenciometer in the same way that the screen. What could i do it?

When i run the example of "Device Integration" and push the button of the board happend the same that i said previosly moment.

1 Answer

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this means, when you are running the original (unmodified) example 'DeviceIntegration' on your hardware, you get a flickering problem. Correct?

What do you mean with flickering? Is the content destroyed for a short time, is there a dark screen between the updates?


It's like the brightness of the screen gets low, for a little bit of time; depends how long the button is pressed. In the example of the application the screen background  is black and it's almost imperceptible, but if i change it for example to blue, is more perceptible. Or if you put a led in the terminals 3.3v and gnd it's yet more perceptible .

This seems to be more related to the power supply of the board.

Can you try to use the external power supply instead of the USB? The jumper for the power source has to be set accordingly.
Thank you, that was the problem :)

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