in System Integration by


We are using the Embedded Wizard 8.20. In the main loop, it does not call CoreRoot__DoesNeedUpdate(). And we modified the main loop to call it just like 8.30. But it cause a UI touch response slow. This UI draws the touch trace on the screen. We can see the displayed touch trace lags behind the finger when draw the touch trace first time. But the second trace is no problem. So what is the problem? Do we need to update embedded wizard to 8.30 including the library source code?

        /* refresh the screen, if something has changed and draw its content */
        if ( devices || timers || signals || events )
            if (CoreRoot__DoesNeedUpdate(rootObject))
                Update( viewport, rootObject );

            /* after each processed message start the garbage collection */

            /* print current memory statistic to serial interface - uncomment if needed */
            //EwPrintProfilerStatistic( 0 );


1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Leo,

updating to the latest version is always highly recommended. By the way: We will release Embedded Wizard version 9.0 this week!

Concerning your question: I cannot imagin that the call to DoesNeedUpdate() has some negative impact to the touch response behavior. This function is just to avoid unnecessary updates.

Based on the provided information it is difficult to give you more help or better advices.

Can you reduce the problem to a small application or integrate your code into one of the provided examples?

Which target are you using?

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

I will take over Leo's job. I found if I first touch screen, the Update( viewport, rootObject ) function executes 260 ms. And it happens when draw the touch trace first time. And the second trace is no problem.



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