in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hello everyone,

in order to use hardware/device specific functions (STM32F746G Discovery Board in my case) I would like to create an adjusted device driver.
I have found an example for the deviceDriver.c file and found main.c, rtos initialization and deviceDriver.c/.h in the STM32F7.. Build Environment under Application/Source/.

I wonder if I am supposed to work within the Application/Source/ folder and therefore have the same set of DeviceDriver.c/.h and main.c for any project i use with the build environment (not very handy i think) or if the files are generated/copied from somewhere else (i cannot find any of these files in the project folders tho).

Where are the DeviceDriver files meant to be stored?

1 Answer

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there is no need to put your DeviceDriver files into the folder /Application/Source - you can choose any directory structure that meets your requirements.

We choose this location, because these files (including main.c) are used within every example and can be compiled with every supported toolchain. Feel free to use your own directories - this makes it easier for you in case of an update to the next Embedded Wizard version.

Best regards

Hello Manfred,

thank you for your reply!

I can see that main.c and DeviceDriver.c are referenced in the Makefile.
From what I see the makefile is static and not generated by EW.

Means there is no way around manual adjustments in case I want to compile/flash another project that is supposed to use other main.c or DeviceDriver.c/.h files (replacing or renaming files or adjusting the makefile)?

typically, within a customer project the makefile (or the project settings) are modified and adapted to the dedicated needs, e.g. to add additional BSP drivers or own DeviceDriver modules.

Within our Build Environments we follow a template approach containing one universal makefile that is suitable to all examples, all color formats, with or without FreeRTOS,....

In case of STM32, Embedded Wizard Studio generates C code (*.c/*.h) and a file ewfiles.inc, that can be used within a makefile. But the makefile itself (or the project file) is not related to the GUI development.

Best regards,


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